Timothy Van Mieghem – The ProAction Group

The Olympic games are nothing short of inspiring. The backstories, the challenges and the opportunities for glory all come together on the world’s stage for these athletes.
I find speed skating especially incredible and relatable to my line of work. Speed skating is a racing sport with the primary aim to complete each circuit in the fastest time possible. To win a race, the athletes must adopt a particular set of techniques including balance and positioning – and then add speed.
The technique, process, and analysis to reach this level of magic is analogous to preparing an organization to win at the profit game (which is my Olympic sport).
Let me explain.
The road to operational excellence requires balance and positioning of a different kind. All organizations race for results to earn gold for investors by increasing the internal rate of return, meet loan covenants or personal gain. As in speed skating, organizations must find the right balance and positioning of whatever the opportunity for improvement is. If you can identify it, it can be quantified. Once it is quantified, we can plan for it. Once an organization has identified and quantified the opportunity for improvement – then speed comes into the equation. How fast and for how long?
At The ProAction Group we call this the ProActive Profit Process — and we’re excellent coaches. We can help identify and quantify what needs to improve, and then tell you how fast you’ll need to go to achieve success sooner. Like any great coach, we’ll work the formula with a proven process that lands you on the winner’s podium in your industry’s competitive landscape (and it won’t take four years to prove it). We’ll map out the implementation at the agreed speed to assure you that you’re covering the distance between where your organization is now and where it needs to go. Beyond implementation, we’ll be there to institutionalize changes for sustained results.
Balance and positioning at a high rate of speed is challenging for any organization, however with a good coach, with a proven track-record to guide the way, makes the difference. Let us help.