The ProAction Advantage:
We Know Private Equity
We designed The ProAction Group to serve PE clients. We have deep experience in the deal environment. We are responsive on very short notice. We know how to interact with deal teams, lenders, and other advisors in a time-efficient and productive manner. We understand the importance of “showing well” to a target acquisition. We know how to interact constructively with target company management.
With portfolio companies, we know how to build trust with boards and management. We also understand that CEOs don’t want to have resources forced on them.
We have PE-oriented fee structures.
We Get Measurable Results
Our clients confirm EBITDA gains of 3-10X our fees.
We’re Implementers
We identify and quantify opportunities, then turn them from concept into reality. 80% of our business is implementation.
We have a unique screening process to find people excellent at driving change in middle market businesses. The result is a group with an uncommon passion for implementing improvement.
We know how to make improvements sustainable. We’re experts at making changes stick.
We Bring Best Practices to the Middle Market
Middle market companies can frequently get big earnings gains by implementing proven management practices. We have this toolkit.
We employ experienced people with industry backgrounds, not career consultants. Our people typically have 10-35 years operating experience with companies that have a reputation for using best management practices.
We have expertise in three primary functional areas: commercial operations, manufacturing operations, and supply chain operations. We are not merely generalists, although many of our experienced operating staff have excellent general management perspective and experience. Nor do we focus on one narrow functional silo. We find the biggest opportunities in middle market companies usually do not fit neatly into functional silos.
We have proven methods and tools that add value to clients’ businesses. We’re not simply renting bodies.
We apply; we don’t theorize. We’re practitioners. We take proven ideas and implement them. We are up to date on current research and best management practices, but we’re not working to develop the next management fad.
We're Here to Help You
Pease reach out with any questions, ideas or requests. Our contact information is below:
350 N. Orleans Street, Suite 9000N
Chicago, IL 60654
+1 (312) 726-6111